Tag&Tail (T&T)
Every mouse needs a tag number for its identity. "tag + ear punch" is an efficient and precise way to identify mice. You can tag the pups before or after weaning. At the time you tag the mouse, you may also need to cut off its tail tip for genotyping.
If T&T before weaning:
1. In the program settings, set the time of T&T.
2. The program will remind you in census and task calendar when the T&T time comes.
3. You can open the T&T list from main window by clicking or from "Task Calendar" window.
4. When you done the T&T, update the breeding record.
If T&T after weaning:
1. Add new mouse records into the cage, see Wean Pups for detail.
2. Change the cage type to "Weaned", then select "Tag and Tail" or "Tag Only" depending on if genotyping is required.
3. The T&T or T (tag only) will be shown on "Weaned" cages on census.
4. You can open the T&T list from main window by clicking or from "Task Calendar" window.
5. When you done the T&T, update the cage type to "Ungenotyped" or "Stock".