Breeding Scheme
Only available in mult-lab and multi-user version.
In E-MouseLab, you can design breeding scheme for any type of cross. Start by entering founder genotypes for the first generation cross, then select genotypes from the founder crosses or enter new founder gentypes for next crosses. Below is an example of a breeding scheme to generate KRasLSLG12D;P53;RosaCre triple mutants:
To add a new breeding scheme:
1. click "Schemes" from the main window, then on the "Scheme List" window, click "+" button to open "Breeding Scheme" window.
2. On the "Breeding Scheme" window, click "Add Cross" to add founder crosses. In the pop-out window, click "Add New" button to select founder genotypes:
3. Select the progeny genotypes from the cross for next crosses:
4: Click "Add Cross" to add more crosses. The selected genotype is now listed for selection:
5: Repeat 3 and 4 to enter all crosses.
6: Click "Save" to save the scheme.
7: On the scheme list, you can check the availability of the needed genotypes, or go back to modify the scheme.